You get a five for originality. I wouldn't get away with this decal cause I have a 9 year old daughter.
BUT I like IT alot!
Awesome Decal
hi everyone this is cappucino oc,.
a while back there was a thread on decals.
i'm not sure if anyone is printing any.
You get a five for originality. I wouldn't get away with this decal cause I have a 9 year old daughter.
BUT I like IT alot!
Awesome Decal
it's me again, cappuccino oc.
i need your guys help once more.
i have a very intelligent 9 year old daughter who has been doing alot of critical thinking lately.
Thank you all for taking time to respond. I will use the advice and keep you posted. I'll also do a search for the previous similar thread.
Thank you all again,
well it appears the watchtower is back at their executions.
after jr brown besmirched her moral character by saying she was being disfellowshipped for other sins unrelated to the dateline program, now three men want to meet her at a motel?
why not the kingdom hall?
Brother Bowen,
If you can get my the airplane ticket, I will be a character witness for sister Barbara. My e-mail is opened. You also have my home tel. If you don't have it please e-mail me write away. I'm at a friends house but I should be home by 10:00 pm (pacific time). I don't work tomorrow so you may call me. I can also try to get a hold of my little sister (now 26).
The meeting place doesn't sound proper at all. My stepfather was DF by a 5 elder committee. There where at least 7 to 8 total in the hall (back room) that evening. They are just trying to avoid the media & more bad press.
I would definately have sister Anderson wired at least. Cameras would be even better. A live coverage would be ideal.
Cappuccino OC
my dear aunty, just told me that this last weekend they where admonished not listen to the "secular" news.
they gave the example that during sept 11 all the tv stations had erroneous information.
that the real truth about sept 11 & hope came out a couple months later with their "awake" magazine.
My dear aunty, just told me that this last weekend they where admonished not listen to the "secular" news. They gave the example that during Sept 11 all the TV stations had erroneous information. That the REAL truth about Sept 11 & hope came out a couple months later with their "awake" magazine. She added that they will receive all the TRUTH on current events from the WTS. (how Stupid are they?) Apparently it was a bethelite who gave the talk.
She also added that they warned about persecution (the drama) & how today JW's are being persecuted by the media "newspapers & tv & other means" & that it's all apostate erroneous information.
What makes me upset is that my dear aunty believes all this Sh-t. She knows what happened to my her niece, my little sister, abused by her own father a JW, (my stepfather) from age 2-17 (1994). Why can't she accept that they are lieing?
I think that they don't want to loose their "US funds". The biggest contributers to the WTS is from the US congregations.
Cappuccino OC
edited for typos - I need my cappuccino
Edited by - cappuccino OC on 17 July 2002 12:37:21
after reading the latest article in the awake on: "yoga: is it for christians?
" i thought of some other articles i'd like to see in the wt & awake!
magazines.................... .
Why are the Majority of JW's overweigth?
70 % of JW chlildren leave the truth - NO big growth in the US. Who will run bethel in 50 years?
Brain washing -R- US!
having milled around this board for a little while, and getting to know the odd poster a tad better, one (at least i do) gets to wondering what some of you do for work.... i work installing custom hardwood flooring and ceramic tiles, with the odd wc renovation, and was going to start a career last year in avionics, but our friend osama put my plans on the backburner, until (or if) the canadian industry returns to normal.
i am considering going to university to further my photography skills, and am currently (and very slowly) working on a pictorial book that i hope to be published by the time i am 95. oh, and i devote 87643 hours of service to yhwh each month.. your turn.... .
I'm a full-time mom to a beautiful 9 year old girl.
I was an administrative assistant for 8 years. Due to not having a degree I couldn't advance in my $33,000 per year job & I was at the last pay step @ City Hall.
I was encouraged by some nice & smart coworkers to further my education. They thought that I was to smart for my position & had the potential of going further in life. Indeed I was bored with my job.
I kept my job & enrolled at the local Community College. I would start work @ 7:45 am instead of 8:00 a.m. so I could have those 15 minutes & my break, additional 15, (approved by my nice boss) plus my lunch hour a total of 1 1/2 hours in order for me to take a college class during my lunch hour. I also took one night class twice a week. I did this for 30 months. I graduated from the little college with an Associate in Sciences & Arts Degree with Honors, PHI Theta kappa.
I then transfered to a 4 year university. (Yup I quit my job). I just graduated with my Bachelor's Degree. I obtained a double major in Communication Sciences Disorders (aka: Speech Language Pathology and Audiology) and SPANISH. (I was raised bilingual Spanish/English).
This fall I will start Graduate School. In 21 months I will have finished my Masters Degree & I will be A Speech Language Pathologist, Certified Clinical Clinician.
I'm really excited I hope to perform research on bilingual language adquisition. There is a demand for Speech Language Pathologists besides (teachers). In addition, there isn't even one bilingual Speech Language Patholgist in every state in the U.S.
My professor told me that I will be writing my own checks because I will be in HIGH demand due to being a bilingual professional (White collar worker)
My brother, who works for the Employment Department told me that the going rate for SLP is about $80.00 per hour at hospitals. If I set up my own clinic I can charge anywhere from $80 to 110.00 per hour for therapy.
But my goal is to work in research & start a non-profit organization where I can help children with Speech & Language problems who do not have any medical insurance or whose insurance doesn't cover it, or to those who have ran out of benefits. Usually they only cover 10 visits per year.
Cappuccino OC
PS. I'm really fortunate to always have excellent babysitters. I also spend quality time with my daughter. She is also bilingual. For example, yesterday we took a 2 hour bike ride along the beautiful bay with one of her friends.
edited for typos (twice) I must need my morning Starbucks coffee
Edited by - Cappuccino OC on 17 July 2002 12:0:17
Edited by - Cappuccino OC on 17 July 2002 12:1:37
it's me again, cappuccino oc.
i need your guys help once more.
i have a very intelligent 9 year old daughter who has been doing alot of critical thinking lately.
Hi everyone,
It's me again, Cappuccino OC. I need your guys help once more.
I have a very intelligent 9 year old daughter who has been doing alot of critical thinking lately. Crying last night, she told me that she never wanted to die. She added that she new that heaven didn't exist. She also said, "Why do I want to live in a Paradise here on earth if I already live on earth? What about if this "paradise" isn't for reals? I don't think it is." (My JW aunt preached to her when she came to visit us last March)
Her tears broke my heart. What do I tell her? I told her that her questions are very important questions and I'd look for answers.
I've never believed in heaven and now I don't believe in a paradise. What hope do I offer or share with my daughter? Has anybody had a similar experience with their children? How did you guys handle it? How did they react?
Does anyone recommend any specific bible besides the JW NWT? I want her to believe in GOD and have faith in God but how do I do this? Do we still call him Jehovah or do we pray to Jesus?
What do you believe after being a JW & more important how do help our little ones?
Cappuccino OC
edited for typos
Edited by - Cappuccino OC on 17 July 2002 11:25:47
i was trying to get onto the silent lambs website and i received a message saying, "server not responding".
is the website temporarily down?.
cappuccino oc
Hi everyone,
I was trying to get onto the silent lambs website and I received a message saying, "server not responding". Is the website temporarily down?
Cappuccino OC
my uncle, who is an elder had the veracity to tell me that during his 20 years of being an elder, he has only seen two pedophile issues in the 7 different congregations he's been in.
the first one was in the salinas valley, ca.
i met the girl, inamar garza.
Hi everyone,
I need your help. My uncle, who is an elder had the veracity to tell me that during his 20 years of being an elder, he has only seen two Pedophile issues in the 7 different congregations he's been in.
The first one was in the Salinas Valley, Ca. I met the girl, InaMar Garza. Her father, brother Garza, did prison time in California in the 80's not only for abusing his own daughter but also for abusing pre-school children. He worked as a bus drive for the school District. The children told on him. There was a huge investigation. It was well publized in the early 80's by the media. It happened in a Spanish Congregation Greenfield Spanish Congregation. He lived or lives in King CIty, California.
He finished his sentence in the late 80's and was reinstated as a witness in Good standing. I got the heebee Jeebees everytime I saw him. I as a teenage girl refused to shake his hand. He is still in the Salinas Valley with his family. His wife never divorced him. He also preaches door to door.
The other case is my little sister abused by her father, my stepfather.
Okay so this is what this JW elder uncle of mine told me. That I can't compare the huge number of pedophile catholics in comparison with the limited amount of Ped JW's. In addition he said, these two Jw ped's that I personally know of came into the trvth with these bad habits. They didn't pick up these habits as JW's.
I need help.
Of course the ratio of catholic Pedofiles to Jw's Pedofiles is going to be greater. There are more (millions) catholics. Does anyone know the number of total catholics in the world? I'd like to find out the ratio of Pedofiles per say 100 catholics & compare it to the number of JW pedofiles. This would be more accurate.
Also- what the h-ll happened to the NEW Personality with these NEW JW converts??? The Became JW's but neer eliminated their Pedofile habits. Why is that these new JW converts can fool everyone?
Cappuccino OC
well folks: i had my first follow-up visit, and things are not as good as i was hoping.
essentially, using diet and exercise to try and reverse my clogged arteries is okay for 15 areas which are 50% or less clogged, by 2 of the points are 80% occluded ... and must be treated in a matter of months, or i face death inside a year ... so, i have some time, but not as i hoped.
the two bad occlusions art each at the intersections of main branches ... and either of them would likely kill me if they close up.. the doctor was impressed with my diet changes, lifestyle adjustments, and weight loss and level of recovery ... but the recovery is limited, in that i still have some strong angina with mild exercise, strongly suggesting my heart does not get enough blood when i exercise, and then when i eat a large meal, the stomach uses enough blood flow, that the heart gets starved and i go into serious angina ... soooo ... i am ordered to limit exercise and eat 6 to 8 tiny meals a day ... and i am even getting a handicap sign for my car ... yikes!
Also if you have access to recent medical journals, look for information on all the new medical advances & tecnologies.
I've been doing research on broken bones (long story) and I have found out that the "Bone" Dr. (pun inteneded) should have operated on my broken arm but didn't.
It took me 5 months to dig up the strenght to look up the information. You might want a friend to help you out. The journals are somewhat difficult to read. I had to read the articles 2 or 3 times to fully grasp the medical terms and concepts.
All my research has paid off. I'm actually getting a free opinion from a Dr. from Harvard. I e-mailed him with the information in my research and he was pretty impressed. There are good people out there that will help if only asked.
I wish you the best <<<<<<<amazing>>>>>>>>>
Cappuccino OC